
Our beautiful River brought us so much happiness and enjoyment for 12 years. She joined our family a year after the loss of our dog Maxx and quickly became best friends with our little dog Buddy. The two were inseparable but complete opposite personalities. River was playful, she was energetic, she loved being off leash and pushed the boundaries of freedom every time to chase deer and other wildlife only to return minutes later or in other scenarios 10-15 minutes later. Buddy on the other hand wouldn’t go further than a few meters from us but would point us in the direction of where to look for River.

Buddy was a friendly dog, timid and sometimes anxious, but such a sweet dog who loved his family. He never played with a toy, so when River came into our lives, he wasn’t sure about this high energy younger dog and what to expect but Buddy was lonely for dog companionship he got used to her personality and his energy and spunk for life improved. He got the most incredible best friend to watch over and play with and do everything, like daily walks in the neighborhood, camping trips, and outings to baseball and soccer games. Buddy was a strong little dog and was with us for 14 years. He was diagnosed with cancer and he survived as long as he could still going on walks, still running, still eating his favorite food, steak, but painfully his little body was not able to continue. We all loved him so very much, he was at our side for everything, I sometimes called him my shadow because he was at my heels wherever I went. We miss him dearly but his life with us will forever be remembered. After Buddy passed, River was our one and only and she filled our house with her playfulness, her curiosity and excited nature for anyone that came over, she greeted everyone at the door and if they stayed, she would have them pet her the entire time. Our sons would often talk with her and these talks would turn into little howls from them to her and then before we knew it they were all back and forth, full blown howling together. There was something very ethereal about what we were all saying during those moments.

River visited everyone in every space of the house but took ownership over our two couches and that’s where she liked to sit, lay down, and enjoy being cuddled. She especially liked the couch by the window where she would watch us leave, watch the activity in our yard and on the street, and watch us when we came home. Last year we bought her a bed and she loved the softness of it and how she could stretch out on it. This became one of her three favorite spots. River too was diagnosed with cancer just a short time ago. Although she no longer had the same health or energy in the last few weeks to play with her toys, she was still very capable of shorter walks and spending her time with us by her side, in her home and on her favourite spots. We loved her dearly and she will forever be missed. She was the best we could ever ask for from a beautiful, wonderful, loving and very special dog.

Rest in peace our girl. You will never be forgotten and you will forever be missed.



