Children’s Books featuring Pet Death & Grief
Jump to: My Favourite Books Non-Fiction/Educational Books Story Books
Leading up to my dog Jack’s euthanasia, it was very important to me that I was able to prepare my four-year-old son. I realized I have made recommendations to families before, but didn’t really know how appropriate some of the books and resources were to my family. I reached out to colleagues, read the resources, and even heard feedback that he would be fine and ask for a new puppy the same day. I know my son and I know he is a deep feeler and was very connected to Jack, so he would need as much preparation as possible.
Little did I know that he would be actually crushed about Jack dying, and helping him through his grief would be incredibly important. Looking back I can say I feel like we did prepare him well, but maybe we didn’t prepare ourselves well enough for his sadness. Grief is a journey for all members of the family.
After Jack died I decided to research children’s books as a way to honour him.
Below is a large list of books appropriate for kids ages 1 through 10 years. I have tried to include information about many of these books that should make it easy to find them from a book retailer or your library. I found over 90% of these books at the Winnipeg Public Library. I have divided the list by the type of book (story vs. nonfiction/educational) and noted if it is pet specific, the approximate age range I think would benefit from the book, and a brief summary (which includes important topics in the book). I recommend parents and caregivers read books before they share with their children to ensure the content is appropriate for their individual kid and family.
Favourite Books
When A Pet Dies
Author: Fred Rogers
ISBN: 9780698116665
Age: 2-10
A very clear book about why pets die and what happens. Written with the softness you would expect from Mr. Rogers. The photos are a bit dated, but the information is presented in a timeless manner. A note that there are a few pages that talk about burying a pet, which isn’t relatable for all families.
The Invisible Leash
Author: Patrice Karst
ISBN: 9780316524858
Age: 3-10
A beautifully illustrated book following Zack, a little boy who’s dog just died. It covers his grief journey and the idea of an “invisible leash”, or the connection we always feel to our pets who have died.
The Goodbye Book
Author: Todd Parr
ISBN: 9780316404976
Age: 1-4
Simple illustrations, with bright colours, help to discuss feelings a kid may have when a pet or person dies. The book depicts a goldfish, but the language is neutral to help with either pets or people.
The Memory Tree
Author: Britta Teckentrup
ISBN: 9781408326343
Age: 3-10
A fox dies in the forest and all of his woodland friends are mourning. They plant a tree in his memory and come together. As the tree grows, it’s a reminder of their love for their friend. Depicts the importance of talking about our deceased friends and pets to keep their memory alive.
What Does Grief Feel Like?
Author: Korie Leigh
ISBN: 9781631987069
Age: 3-8
Questions and prompts in addition to the story to help caregivers discuss grief with kids as you go along with the main character in the story. The book covers multiple causes of grief: death, pet death, separation with distance, new home, school change etc. There is a thorough guide at the back for adults helping grieving kids.
Non-Fiction/Educational Books
Something Very Sad Happened: A Toddler’s Guide to Understanding Death
Author: Bonnie Zucker
ISBN: 9781433822667
Age: 2-3
Contains instructions for parents with how to go through the book, as well as more information at the back of the book for tips with talking to kids about death and grief. Covers the emotions of both kids and adults. Can easily personalize to help kids understand the content – easy to change to be about a pet or a person.
We’ll Always Share the Moon
Author: Shannon Savory
ISBN: 9781738723102
Age: 3-8
A great book for kids who are struggling with loss in their life – whether it is death, moving or a parent travelling far away. A reminder that we all share the same moon and tools for coping. Written by a Winnipeg author, Shannon Savory, and illustrated by Winnipegger, Arianne Quinn. At the back of the book there are a few pages with conversation starters, and activities.
When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death
Author: Laurie Krasny Brown & Marc Brown
ISBN: 9780316109178, 9780613718028, 9780316119559
Age: 4-8
A book covering definitions relating to death, feelings, different customs and memorial ideas. Not a story, but uses drawings of dinosaurs to help make the topic more approachable for kid.
Lifetimes – The beautiful way to explain death to children
Author: Bryan Mellonie and Robert Ingpen
ISBN: 9780553344028
Age: 2+
This book links the lifetimes of plants, birds, fish, and insects with those of people. Talks about how there is a beginning and an end, and living is the part in between. This book is appropriate for helping kids understand the concept and permanence of death vs. helping kids with their grief.
Goodbye: A First Conversation About Grief
Author: Megan Madison, Jessica Ralli & Isabel Roxas
ISBN: 9780593662380
Age: 3-10
Not specific to pets, but a good picture book introducing the concepts of death and grieving. There are questions/prompts throughout the book to continue to conversation with kids as you read.
What Happens When a Loved One Dies?
Author: Dr. Jillian Roberts
ISBN: 9781459809451
Age: 3-8
Centered more around human death, but does briefly touch on pet death. Very well written with definitions and descriptions appropriate for young kids. Talks about afterlife (generalized, nondenominational), memorials and self care.
Story Books
Author: Federico Gastaldi
ISBN: 9780316381840
Age: 2-6
A story about a boy who’s goldfish dies and his experience with the loss of routine. The main character is confused by all of the euphemisms the adults use and wants them to be more clear with him. Shares the importance of memorialization in the grief journey.
The Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye
Author: Jane Yolen
ISBN: 9780375866630
Age: 3-8
Tiger Rose is a cat who knows she is at the end of her life and says goodbye to her family and friends. Her passing is peaceful.
Saying Goodbye to Lulu
Author: Corinne Demas
ISBN: 9780316702782
Age: 3-8
The book follows Lulu as she gets older and shows signs of her aging and then her death. The main character wishes she could have Lulu just as she once was, even though her family suggests they can get a new dog. In the end the family does get another dog, so this book is best for families who are considering adding another pet into their life following the death of a beloved pet. Note: Lulu is buried.
Harry & Hopper
Author: Margaret Wild
ISBN: 9780312642617
Age: 4-8
A story about the accidental/sudden death of a dog and the child main character’s grief experience. Discusses how we can still remember our pets in our dreams.
Rodney Was a Tortoise
Author: Nan Forler
ISBN: 9780735266629
Age: 3-8
A little girl’s tortoise dies and she feels very alone. She makes a new friend in her grief. Discusses the importance of making connection and talking about your feelings of grief.
I’ll Always Love You
Author: Hans Wilhelm
ISBN: 9780517556481, 9780517577592, 9780517572658
Age: 1-5
A story about a kid’s relationship with their dog and their loss. Simpler words, aimed at a younger audience. Note: mentions burial.
Sammy in the Sky
Author: Barbara Walsh
ISBN: 9780763649272
Age: 3-8
Beautiful paintings accompany a story about Sammy, a beloved family dog with a special relationship with the child. Depicts Sammy’s decline. Talks about how we can remember our pets and still feel their presence around us, even when they’re gone.
Goodbye Mousie
Author: Robie H Harris
ISBN: 9780689832178
Age: 2-6
A child wakes up and finds his pet mouse dead in its cage in the morning. The book explores his questions about why Mousie died, home burial and ways to memorialize him.
Always and Forever
Author: Alan Durant
ISBN: 9780152166366
Age: 2-6
A story about personified animal friends losing a loved one. Discusses memorialization.
Tim’s Goodbye
Author: Steve Salerno
ISBN: 9780374306472
Age: 1-4
Simple story about a turtle who dies and how his little girl has a funeral. Remembering him helps her feel less sad.
Have other suggestions or want to share your own experience?