What To Do If My Pet Dies At Home

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to plan an appointment, pets unexpectedly pass on their own. As this can be a shock, we have some tips that may help you stay calm during this stressful time. Note that below we are talking frankly about pet death and this topic may upset some people.

First of all, give yourself some time. Take a few deep breaths and sit down for a moment. If it makes you comfortable, be with your pet. It’s okay to touch them and talk to them.

If you have pee pads or disposable diapers or old towels, place under the rump of your pet as sometimes they go to the bathroom afterwards. Wrap them in a blanket if you’d like.

If you have an existing appointment with Sunset Veterinary Care, call Nicole at 204-813-8908, she can help you cancel your appointment and offer any emotional support needed. If it’s after hours, leave a message to cancel your appointment.

Decide what you’d like to do with your pet now that they have passed on. Here are some choices:

  1. Contact your primary veterinary clinic, they can help you with any cremation arrangements. You will have to deliver your pet to the pet clinic yourself. If your vet clinic is closed, contact the emergency vet clinics at Bridgwater 204-452-0911 and Pembina Vet 204-452-9427 and they can assist you.

  2. If you can’t drive to the clinic yourself, here are some additional options:

    • If your pet is under 25kg/55lbs, you can contact City Wide Fetch at 204-781-5245. They can transport your pet to your regular vet clinic but do need help with loading your pet into their vehicle. They are available Monday-Sunday within the city of Winnipeg by appointment only.

    • For larger dogs, call Precious Pet Cremation directly at 204-633-6088 (they pick up in and around Winnipeg). Note that there will be a pickup fee for both services and availability is dependant on their schedule. Open Monday through Saturday.

    • If you’d like to utilize aquamation, contact Peaceful Pastures located in Lac du Bonnet at 204-485-6307 to see if they can assist you with a pickup. Open 7 days a week.

Home Burial - Please check with your municipality before burying any pet (it is legal in the City of Winnipeg). If home burial is allowed and the ground is not frozen and you’re able to bury your beloved pet in your yard please contact CBYD as we don’t want any power, water or gas lines interrupted. If you would like to take your beloved pet up to the lake, farm etc. ensure that you wrap them in thick plastic and put them in a cold place like a chest freezer. Note that there may be certain odours present during the trip to your destination so if they are small enough, place them in a cooler or a box. Alternatively, wrap them in a ‘space blanket’ (found in first aid kits) and place ice packs around them. Please link to this PDF Document for more detailed information including safely burying a pet that contains euthanasia medication.

If you need support during this time, call the Winnipeg Human Society Pet Loss Support Line: 204-988-8804 or website