
June 7, 2024

It took a month to write this, oh how I miss my girl. Shadow came into my life as a senior after she lost her owner and her life went into turmoil. When we met her, she decided Duke, Zipher and I would do, so she moved in. Oh, it was nice to have another girl in the house.

Although I didn't know much about her history, I soon found out why she got her name, I couldn't turn around without her right behind me; at the park she was always close to my side. Shadow soon went from Shadow to Shadow Move❤️. Shadow soon learned that her new brother Duke, and I put on mega miles walking, she loved this; she also loved the nightly marrow bones, her favourites were filled with pumpkin; and the many tennis balls! Given the chance, she would play fetch until she dropped! I used to have to hide them so she would rest! Shadow came with service dog gear and a heart of gold. If I felt sad she'd hug me, if I felt anxious she'd put her head on my lap and angry she gave me a nudge! Shadow was such a smart gentle soul. Shadow and Duke became fast friends. When I lost my Duke to cancer, she was my rock, she was my girl, she was the reason I got out of bed.

Zipher the cat was her best buddy, they did everything together, he misses her dearly.

Odin came into our lives as a puppy and she taught him manners and compassion, his heart is broken. When she passed, our routine went out the door, she was our stability.

After having the opportunity to have rescued my beautiful senior girl, I will encourage everyone to rescue a senior, they fill your heart with so much love and bring so much joy into your household. My Shadow will live forever in my heart and when we meet again my pockets will be full of tennis balls and pumpkin treats. Thank you Dr. Liz for being so caring and allowing my girl Shadow dignity in her finally moments, I will never forget how amazing you are.

We will love you forever, my beautiful girl Shadow.

Love, Mom, Odin and Zipher



