My Beloved Pets
My house currently is the home to three dogs. Many families I have worked with in the past will be familiar with one of my favourite phrases “Never get three dogs.”. This is only a half-joking phrase as we absolutely adore our trio and cannot imagine our life without them. On the other hand, caring for three dogs is not an easy undertaking, and I highly recommend careful consideration before adding multiple pets into your household to ensure it is the best fit for everyone.
My dogs can best be described as a trio. They are three (very different) peas in a pod. I have referred to them as “brothers” or “the dogs” or “the boys”. I talk about how I have “one of each size” or call them “big dog, little dog and medium dog”. These are, of course, only some of the affectionate terms I have for these guys who take up such huge places in my heart. They truly are the best of friends and their dynamic is so wonderful to watch.
aka Big Dog, Jackie, Jack-Jack, Jackson, Jackie Dog, Jack-o-lynn, Jack-o-lantern
He is likely a husky, pointer, border collie mix with piercing blue eyes.
Born August 30th, 2009 at the University of Saskatchewan’s Animal Resource Centre to a retired sled dog.
I started visiting him when he was only a few weeks old to help socialize him and his littermates during my first year of veterinary school. He officially joined our family in May of 2012 after his service to the education of future veterinarians was complete (including yours truly!).
Easily one of the strangest dogs I have ever met, but he is so smart, loyal and patient. He has surprised us with how gentle he is with our son.
He hates golden retrievers, so we can no longer go to the dog park. Also not a fan of swimming. He loves to eat paper, especially important documents that you forget to put up high just that one time. I had to teach him a command to jump up on me to keep him from jumping up on me. He always wants to be close.
Hot Rod
aka Little Dog, Wiener Dog, Wiener, Weenie, Weenie Dog, Hot Dog, My Baby
Miniature Dachshund
Born June 8, 2010 in Winnipeg. One of five puppies. We brought him home at 8 weeks, the same day we moved into our first home.
Full of attitude. Definitely the ruler of our house. But he is so, so smart! Favourite hobbies include sleeping and eating. And he prefers to sleep under a mass of blankets. Or in a sunbeam. Also enjoys “hunting” squirrels and rabbits. He loves exploring. Very into barking at anyone/anything who dares walk past our house – or any dogs in their own yards as we walk past.
He is not a fan of the cold, being left home alone (even if he couldn’t see you while you were home) or being disturbed during his slumber. All he wants in life is for a cat to like him.
aka Middle Dog, Rigbee Digbee, Digbee, Riggles, Riggle Wiggle, Rigabee, Rigabeebeebeebeebee
Cocker spaniel/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix? Definitely all spaniel.
Celebrated DOB July 27, 2010. A Winnipeg Animal Services find as a puppy. Apparently he was left in a parking lot. Joined our family as a puppy around 2-3 months old.
It’s hard to play favourites, but this is the best dog. He is so happy. Generally the friendliest boy, but he gets overwhelmed with excited dogs and hates having his toenails trimmed. Doesn’t like a lot of vegetables. Loves swimming, curling up at your feet and carrying socks around (we can’t have toys because his brothers eat them – but not socks?). So slow to come inside from playing outside. But very good at having the zoomies.
My Angel Pets:
While I am fortunate to have my living companions, I cannot forget to include those who also helped shape me.
aka Tiger Cat, Tigee Cat, Tigee, Meow Meow, Princess, Mitten, Mitten Kitten, Kitten
A beautiful brown tabby domestic shorthair cat with a soft, fluffy, buttery coloured belly.
Born April 2002. Adopted by my aunt and cousins from the Winnipeg Humane Society along with her “sister” Tobie.
In the summer of 2010 her living situation changed and Tiger became a member of my household. I never considered myself her “fur mama”. I was her cousin or guardian. Her friend.
Tiger lived with me in Saskatoon (or Sas-cat-toon as my Dzi Dzi called it) for 3 years before we moved back to Winnipeg. She travelled between Winnipeg and Saskatoon multiple times, and into a new home in Winnipeg. She was around for all three dogs.
She loved to wake me up as early as possible to feed her breakfast. She slept on my bed. She loved her scratching post or resting on paper – especially if said paper was something I was trying to study.
I said goodbye to my sweet Tiger in October of 2017 at 15 years old, after her battle with cancer. She is a major reason I decided to become certified in end-of-life care and open Sunset Veterinary Care.
aka Sparkles, Sparks, Bubba Sparks, Bear, Bear Bear, Oreo Boreo, Mr. O
Oreo was a black cockapoo.
He was born April 16, 2002 and was acquired by my parents as a family pet. I had a fever that day and it was definitely hard to comprehend the excitement.
He was the smartest dog I may ever meet. I always joked if he ever got out of the yard he would likely walk around and figure out how to ring the doorbell. He was not an adventurous guy, and definitely liked his home. While not being adventurous per se, he still found himself in many exciting activities. He went camping, kayaking, swimming and cabin-ing. He was not one to cuddle, but he was always close. He knew when he was needed.
We said goodbye to our Mr. O in December 2019 at almost 18 years old.
aka Hammy
Floyd was a Teddy Bear Hamster who lived a long hammy-life with me during some of my undergraduate studies. He also moved with me when I went out to Saskatoon for vet school. He enjoyed his cage free time where he would run around the house and explore. He brought me much joy during some difficult times.